Posts by Jonathan

  1. Apple’s iPhone 13 Event – The Highlights (September 2021)

    Apple’s iPhone 13 Event – The Highlights (September 2021)

    Apple held its highly anticipated iPhone 13 event (aka “California Streaming”) on September 14, 2021. Did you miss it? Read on for the latest product highlights! New iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini Front and center are the new iPhone 13 models. Apple’s new iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini come in five different colors: […]

  2. Future-proof Your Business

    Future-proof Your Business

    “It is not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”  –Charles Darwin 「 強いものや知的なものが生き残るのではない。変化に適応できるものが生き残るのだ。」チャールズ・ダーウィン  What is Future-proofing? フューチャープルーフとは何ですか? Future-proofing is the concept and process of applying measures which mitigate the shock and impact of future (and often sudden) events. With a careful and logical futureproofing strategy in place, one can have […]

  3. Check Out Apple’s New Hardware (April 2021)

    Check Out Apple’s New Hardware (April 2021)

    In case you missed it, tech giant Apple held their first hardware announcement of 2021 on April 20th! Join us as we give you the highlights from this huge event. New iPad Pro – M1 Chip Finds Another Home The new iPad Pro‘s CPU is reported to be 50% faster than the previous year’s; also […]