Free Microsoft eBooks


office-365-free-ebookMicrosoft have very generously released a huge amount of eBooks in pdf, epub, mobi, doc and xps formats on the Internet for free.

Links to the eBooks were published across two MSDN blog posts and include textbooks, manuals, technical documentation and educational classroom materials for Microsoft products.

Probably of interest to general business users are a 337-page textbook for getting to grips with Office 365 and the Windows 7 Power Users Guide (174 pages).

The majority of the eBooks are more support/engineer/programmer oriented and feature Office 2010, SharePoint Server, Dynamics CRM, Windows 8, Windows Phone 7, Windows Server, SQL Server, Azure, ASP .NET and others. There should be at least a few titles of use in there for any IT professional.

METHOD IT offers support and setup for the whole range of Microsoft products and employs Microsoft certified engineers. Our specialties include tailor-made private cloud solutions, server administration and SLA support, back office systems leveraging SharePoint and Dynamics CRM and setup+migration to the cloud-based Office 365.

A full list of the IT solutions we offer can be found here.

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