iOS 8 and iPhone 6 Resources


The shiny, shiny 4.7 inch iPhone 6 and jumbo-sized 5.5 inch iPhone 6 Plus are here, flagship devices for the new iOS 8. This major update to iOS is also available for download on older iPhones and iPads now. Is it worth upgrading? What are the new features? Does it play nice with the enterprise? Maybe you’re thinking about getting an iPhone 6? Check out some of the best resources and opinions from around the Web.

UPDATE 9/27: The new iOS 8.0.2 update solves all previous issues and adds numerous other bug fixes. HealthKit apps are now available in the App Store after this update.

UPDATE 9/25: Apple has pulled the first update iOS 8.0.1 following reports of users losing their cellphone service. Do not update to 8.0.1. If you have already done this, Business Insider has posted a guide : How To Fix Your iPhone If It Got Ruined By The iOS 8 Update

New in iOS 8

iOS 8 isn’t as drastic a leap as the switch from iOS 6 to 7 – the visual style of iOS 7 goes relatively unchanged this time round – but there are many compelling reasons to upgrade including Apple’s take on widgets in the Notification Center, QuickType word suggestions, the ability to install third-party keyboards, Continuity between your Mac and iOS devices, Extensions which allow for improved communication between apps, and personal health data aggregation with HealthKit and the Health app.

A video presentation (32 mins) of what’s new in iOS 8 from this June’s Apple event


iOS 8 Shines in New Apps

Many apps making use of the new features in iOS 8 are already available –


iOS 8 for Business

For special consideration if you’re deploying iOS devices in your workplace –


Mac Integration

When Yosemite, the next free upgrade to OS X, is released late October, you’ll see better integration between your Mac and iOS devices thanks to Continuity. You can answer calls from a nearby iPhone on your Mac and pass tasks in progress from your iOS devices to your Mac and back again.
Yosemite also has a visual style very similar to iOS 7, bringing the look and feel of Mac and mobile devices together.

Find out more –


Should I Upgrade?

While iOS 8 can be installed on devices as old as iPhone 4S and iPad 2, initial reports are suggesting it might be worth waiting for the first update to the OS before upgrading your current iPhone or iPad.

And when you decide to take the plunge –


iPhone 6 Reviews

Considering a new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus? Here are some of the best reviews online –


Phablet i Ain’t

Despite the size of the new iPhones, have you noticed how the term ‘phablet’ is distinctly absent from all promotions and news? Where did that nasty word come from, what’s in its future, and why isn’t the iPhone 6 one?